Traditional Mahogany Grandfather Clocks
As we've mentioned on our About page, Roy first learned to love woodworking by helping his father in his basement shop. One of the many things that Klein "Gibby" Gibson loved to build was grandfather clocks. He built five complete clocks and began three more.
When Gibby died in 1990, Roy not only inherited his woodshop, he also inherited the three unfinished cases. One of those is still living in our woodshop attic, and Roy has finished the other two.

Roy finished the clock above for his sister Sherry in the early 1990s, and it lived for many years in her home in Wrightsville, Pennsylvania. Since Sherry's death in 2009, it's with us again, awaiting restoration.

Roy finis​​hed the second case (above) as a wedding present for our nephew in 2007.
Of the original five clocks that Gibby finished during his lifetime, two have come back to our shop, after the deaths of their owners. The plan is to restore them and pass them on to younger family members.
All the clock cases are solid mahogany built in a Federal style. The faces are traditional ones showing the phases of the moon. The movement is a German-made mechanical movement with a Westminster chime.