Laughing Coyote Woodworks also offers furniture repair and restoration. Do you have pieces of furniture that are too ugly to use, but too nice to get rid of? Do you have a chest of drawers that wobbles or a chair that's loose? Do you have a dining set that would look better with a fresh coat of finish? If you're within a convenient drive of Stamford, VT, or have a small piece that's easily mailed, we'd love to hear from you and discuss your needs.
As part of thirty-plus years of woodworking experience, Roy has several years of repairing and restoring furniture and accessories under his belt. He has worked for two full-time furniture restorers and done much work on his own. This has included everything from a simple onsite touch-up to complete dismantling and reconstructing a damaged piece of furniture, including manufacturing replacement parts.

The two pieces shown on this page were done for the North Adams Public Library in North Adams, Massachusetts. The large bookcase above was worked on mainly onsite, since it is nearly ten feet tall. As for the little desk below, an assistant librarian found this in "the attic." It was totally covered in thick pink paint with the bottom three inches of the legs cut off and replaced with industrial casters.
She thought there might be something under there worth saving, though. Boy, was she right! Look at the veneer that was underneath all that paint. If you're ever in North Adams, please stop in and take a look at a fine public library that the friendly staff is justifiably proud of.

If you have furniture you want to discuss with us, please use the form below to send us a message or give us a call. We can even repair small accessories through the mail.